On January 15, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced the initial pilot projects selected for the Connected Care Pilot Program (“Pilot Program”) for telehealth services.  The list includes 14 pilot projects spanning 11 states and more than 150 treatment sites, totaling $26.6 million awarded of the allotted $100 million under the Pilot Program.  We first introduced the Pilot Program on this blog back in April, including a full breakdown of guidance and filing requirements to request funding.
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As a follow up, to our post from Thursday, April 9, 2020, today, the FCC announced that it will  begin accepting applications for its $200 million COVID-19 Telehealth Program (“Program”). Health care providers can submit applications at the FCC’s Program Webpage, but should be sure to follow previous guidance for pre- and post-filing requirements.  A full breakdown can be viewed in our previous post here.  The FCC has also released a filing guide and a webinar advising health care providers on the application process.
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