A federal district court in the Middle District of Florida issued a decision on Sept. 30th that threatens the federal government’s continued reliance on the False Claims Act (“FCA”) as the most powerful weapon in the Department of Justice’s enforcement arsenal. U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle threw out a case against a group of Medicare Advantage organizations and providers on the grounds that an individual whistleblower suing on behalf of the federal government under the FCA, often called a “relator” in a “qui tam” lawsuit, violates the U.S. Constitution’s “appointments clause.” The Court concluded that relators, who are acting on behalf of the federal government, must be considered officers of the government and appointed in a manner consistent with Constitutional requirements. See U.S. ex rel Zafirov v. Florida Medical Associates, LLC, No. 8:19-cv-1236, 2024 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 176626, ECF No. 346 (M.D. Fl. Sept. 30, 2024).Continue Reading FCA Whistleblowers – No More?

In the high-stakes realm of False Claims Act (FCA) litigation, per-claim penalties can reach daunting levels that dwarf even treble damages. A recent ruling from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals provides valuable guidance on the limits of penalties under the Constitution’s Excessive Fines Clause (Clause). In Grant ex rel. United States v. Zorn, the Eighth Circuit applies the Clause in FCA litigation to identify when a penalty for purely economic loss offenses might be considered excessive. Specifically, the Court held that:Continue Reading There Are Limits! Reining In FCA Penalties Pursuant to the Excessive Fines Clause

On July 10, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) issued a proposed rule (“Proposed Rule”) in which it outlined proposed amendments to the suspension provisions and deadlines for reporting and returning Medicare Part A and Part B overpayments, and stated that it is continuing its review and evaluation of previously proposed changes to existing overpayment regulations.Continue Reading CMS Proposes to Amend Overpayment Rule-Questions Remain Regarding How the Rule Will be Implemented Should CMS Adopt the False Claims Act’s “Reckless Disregard or Deliberate Ignorance” Standard

Yesterday, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision holding that the scienter element of the False Claims Act (“FCA”) is met if a defendant subjectively knew his or her claims were false and submitted them anyway. See United States ex rel. Schutte v. SuperValu Inc. and United States ex rel. Proctor v. Safeway. The Court’s ruling was narrow and avoided the more challenging—and common—issues raised during oral argument (which we previously discussed here).Continue Reading Supreme Court Clarifies that Subjective (Not Objective) Knowledge of Falsity of Claim Dictates False Claims Act Liability

Arguments were heard in the case of United States ex rel. Polansky v. Executive Health Resources, Inc., No. 21-1052 to determine whether and on what statutory grounds, the government, after initially declining to intervene, may subsequently intervene and dismiss a qui-tam False Claims Act (“FCA”) suit. The Court’s decision will resolve a dispute regarding the balance of power between an individual whistleblower and the Department of Justice (“DOJ”).Continue Reading SCOTUS to Decide Whether the Government has the Authority to Dismiss an FCA Suit After Initially Declining to Intervene and, if so, on What Grounds

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) has issued a proposed rule which would amend the existing regulations for reporting and returning identified overpayments (the “Proposed Rule”). Specifically, with respect to the meaning of “identification” of overpayment, CMS proposes to eliminate the “reasonable diligence” (or traditional negligence) standard and replace it with the False Claims Act’s (“FCA’s”) standard of “knowing” and “knowingly” (i.e., reckless disregard or deliberate ignorance of a potential overpayment).Continue Reading CMS Proposes to Amend Overpayment Rule, Remove Potential Overpayment and False Claims Act Liability for Mere Negligence

The United States’ recent False Claims Act (“FCA”) prosecution in United States v. Prometheus Group, et al., is a reminder that the government will use the FCA to target medical device manufacturers for off-label use of medical devices, even where healthcare providers have decided the use is safe and effective. In Prometheus Group, the government alleges that the defendant medical device manufacturer trained providers to re-use disposable rectal probes against U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) recommendations, causing the providers to submit false claims for payment to Medicare for the services mis-using the probes. The complaint alleges that Prometheus put vulnerable Medicare patients at risk to gain a marketing advantage by reducing overhead costs associated with its systems. The message to medical device manufacturers is clear: even without submitting claims to the government themselves, manufacturers can face FCA liability for suggesting providers use their devices in any way the FDA has not approved (and in this case, warned against).Continue Reading The Government Seeks FCA Liability for Off-Label Use of Medical Devices

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals recently tossed a $5.5 million jury verdict finding that a physician violated the False Claims Act (“FCA”) by submitting claims for items and services ordered subsequent to a violation of the Federal health care program anti-kickback statute (“AKS”). According to the appellate court, the trial court’s jury instruction “brushed aside causation” and “misinterpreted” a 2010 amendment to the AKS.Continue Reading Eighth Circuit: In False Claims Act Cases Based On Kickback Violations, the Kickback Violation Must Be the “But For” Cause of the Items and Services Subject to the Claim

On June 21, 2022 the Supreme Court granted certiorari in Polansky v. Exec. Health Res., 17 F.4th 376 (3d Cir. 2021), allowing the Court to review the Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) authority to dismiss qui tam suits brought under the False Claims Act (“FCA”), over objections by the relators. The case invites the high Court to decide two key issues: (1) whether the DOJ has the authority to dismiss qui tam suits where it declined to intervene, and (2) what standard of review applies to such requests for dismissal. Continue Reading Supreme Court To Review DOJ’s Authority to Dismiss Qui Tam FCA Suits Over Objections From Relators

A major California-based health care system, Sutter Health, and several of its medical practice foundation affiliates have agreed to pay a total of $90 million to settle allegations that they violated the False Claims Act (“FCA”) by knowingly submitting inaccurate information about the health status of beneficiaries enrolled in Sutter Health’s contracted Medicare Advantage (“MA”) Plans.[1]  The Sutter Health settlement is the largest FCA settlement ever paid by a health care provider for alleged MA fraud.
Continue Reading Sutter Health Settles Medicare Fraud Case For $90 Million: The Largest Settlement For Medicare Advantage Fraud

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provided trillions in economic relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including hundreds of billions of dollars in aid for the healthcare industry.  Regulators in the healthcare industry have also adjusted regulations and procedures in response to the changing landscape caused by the pandemic.  While the CARES Act and regulatory changes provide much-needed help, accepting funds and navigating the regulatory changes can add many legal pitfalls to an already cluttered regulatory scheme.  As the government prepares to prosecute fraud and abuse by recipients of CARES Act funds, healthcare entities—the top payors of government enforcement and qui tam dollars—should take care to avoid claims of misconduct under the CARES Act.
Continue Reading Tips for the Unwary: Precautions Against Liability for Healthcare Businesses Receiving CARES Act Funds