By Jennifer M. Driscoll-Chippendale
On December 1, 2010, representatives from both the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division (the “Division”) and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) testified about the issue of antitrust enforcement in the health care industry before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy. Sharis A. Pozen, Chief of Staff for the Division, and the FTC’s Bureau of Competition Director Richard Feinstein committed to assist doctors and hospitals forming Accountable Care Organizations (“ACOs”) pursuant to the Affordable Care Act. However, from the perspective of the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.), the agencies must address broader issues.Continue Reading Antitrust Enforcers to Help Doctors and Hospitals with Transition under New Health Care Law, but Does Congress Want More?