In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) enacted new rules governing overpayments made by the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Under these rules, providers have 60 days from the date that the overpayment has been identified to return the overpayment or face penalties and treble damages under the False Claims Act (“FCA”). As described below, recent regulations have clarified some of the issues surrounding the ACA obligation to refund overpayments, at least for overpayments under Medicare Parts A and B. But, determining whether a provider has “identified” an overpayment – and thus started the 60 day countdown – can still be nuanced and complex. Diligent providers that have proactive and robust compliance and audit functions in place may find some comfort, since such providers are presumably able to respond quickly to credible information that there has been a potential overpayment, as required by the new regulations, and thereby have a reasonable period of time to conduct an investigation and quantify the amount of any overpayment before the 60 day clock begins to run.
Continue Reading The Overpayment Rule and the Implied False Claims Theory: “What You Don’t Know Can Still Hurt You”
Steven Chananie
Steven Chananie is a special counsel n the Corporate Practice Group in the firm's New York office, focusing on healthcare issues.
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