Photo of Ryan Roberts

Ryan Roberts is a partner in the Government Contracts, Investigations and International Trade Practice Group in the firm's Washington, D.C. office.

On December 17, 2021, in a “Friday Night Surprise” the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals lifted the Stay on the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS).  This seminal ETS applies to employers with 100 or more employees and requires that employees be either (1) vaccinated; or (2) weekly tested and fully masked if unvaccinated.  While it is anticipated that the Supreme Court will ultimately decide whether the ETS stands, OSHA has already stated that they will begin enforcement of the ETS in January 2022.  Specifically, OSHA will enforce all requirements except testing for unvaccinated employees beginning January 10, 2022, and enforcement related to testing will begin February 9, 2022.
Continue Reading OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard Survival Guide

Like you, we’ve been thinking a lot about COVID-19 (aka the coronavirus) lately, and the mountain of misinformation that has followed in its wake. While we concede we have stopped shaking people’s hands (which likely turned off more than a few folks at the Psychology-Law Society conference Jonathan spoke at last week), we’re struggling to figure out what is fact and what is fiction. We regret we can’t help you on that front. But we probably can lend a hand in understanding the impact of the current health emergency on your federal contracts.

Continue Reading COVID-19 Federal Contractor’s Survival Guide