Photo of Jay Gerzog

Update. We described in a previous blog post major changes that tax-exempt hospitals and other tax-exempt organizations in the healthcare industry face in the tax reform proposals working their way through Congress. In the early hours of Saturday, December 2, 2017, the Senate narrowly passed its tax reform bill. Although the Senate’s bill has much in common with the bill passed by the House of Representatives, there are significant differences. Accordingly, the House voted yesterday, December 4, 2017, to proceed with a conference committee to reconcile the two bills. A reconciled bill would still need to be approved by both the House and Senate. The Republicans are pushing hard to enact a final bill before year end.
Continue Reading Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations Brace for Impact as Senate Tax Reform Bill Passes

As federal tax reform efforts proceed rapidly in both chambers of Congress, tax-exempt hospitals and other tax-exempt healthcare organizations are facing major potential changes. New tax burdens on tax-exempt organizations are among the ways in which the bills would raise revenue to pay for proposed tax cuts for businesses and individuals. Importantly, it is still early in the legislative process, and much may change as Republicans race to have a bill signed into law before the end of the year.
Continue Reading Tax-Exempt Hospitals & Other Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations Not Immune from Federal Tax Reform

The IRS recently released a ruling, Private Letter Ruling (“PLR”) 201615022, denying Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status to a “commercial” accountable care organization (“ACO”).  This is the IRS’ first published guidance regarding a commercial ACO, and the most recent guidance from the IRS regarding the tax-exempt status of ACOs since 2011 when the IRS established that an ACO participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (“MSSP”) can qualify for Section 501(c)(3) status.
Continue Reading IRS Denial of Section 501(c)(3) Status for a Commercial ACO

On July 1, 2014, the New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act (the “Act”) took effect.  The Act is the most significant modification of New York’s Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (the “NPCL”) in approximately 40 years.

New York not-for-profit corporations that have not already fully considered actions that are necessary to comply with or to take advantage of the Act should do so now. Continue Reading Top 5 Actions to Consider for the New York Not-for-Profit Law Overhaul Effective on July 1